Get your advertising game up a notch with Bing! A platform that greatly contributes to generating website traffic

Do you wonder why Bing?

Well, it is time to say, why not Bing? What is your main purpose for advertising? To reach the audience and generate website traffic, isn’t it? That is where Bing comes that can take the advertising game up a notch. With Bing advertising, you touch Yahoo and AOL search engines as well among the other Bing-run platforms. You get the benefit of reaching the 6 billion active users of the platform worldwide. Isn’t that great? Advertising with Bing is far cheaper than you might know and more so, you get more benefits for the little money spent.

Bing expanding in Australia

Bing is growing in Australia currently, and it is only logical to invest in a type of marketing that is gaining momentum in the current times. Bing with 4.8 percent of market share and 15 percent of total searches in Australia is a figure that cannot go unnoticed by the digital marketing strategists. More the merrier, and with this thought in mind, advertising with Bing is going to be an added plus.

Bing makes it easy to make campaigns

Bing is a platform with which you can create attractive ad campaigns as per the need of the business, allowing you to target better. More so, it also gives one an opportunity to add the pre-existing google campaigns and run the same under the Bing banner, saving you time to redesign the campaign.

Bing fetches more traffic for less money

It is interesting to note that the Cost Per Click (CPC) is fairly low, up to 70 percent compared to Google AdWords, and works efficiently for fetching a far larger audience. With Bing advertising, one can get the benefit to reach far more audience for the money spent compared to other advertising platforms. This way, it is a win-win situation where the business can allocate a smaller percentage to be used on paid advertising.

Use Bing as an added plus

Bing is an important platform for paid search advertising and should be used as an added plus to Google AdWords. They both go hand in hand and comes with pros that cannot be ignored in terms of boosting ad campaigns. Bing advertising is definitely a great way to promote one’s business online.

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